I have always been a summer girl. I was so in love with the summer sun that I had not enough room in my heart for any other season. Since riding has become my primary passion, however, I have begun to understand the allure of fall.
I hear people say this is the end of riding season, but to me, this is the best time of year for riding. But we do live in the midwest, and the weather can become even more unpredictable during fall months.
Once when I was a teenager I went to Silver Dollar City with my family, and I remember that it started raining and we wore plastic ponchos. I was completely mortified to be seen wearing a plastic teepee draped over my body!! And somehow ever since then have been opposed to ponchos. Until recently.
I have managed to have Mary-Poppins like saddle bags, out of which I may pull anything that is needed. And while on a Saturday afternoon ride recently, it started thundering, so out came the little red plastic poncho. The thought did cross my mind that I probably should have practiced unfolding the large sheet of plastic and putting it over my head when I was not seated atop a 1,000 lb skittish animal. But, thankfully, Legend did great and did not seem to mind the fluttering, flapping, crinkling sheet looming above him while we rode home. We stayed dry, and the rain was actually kind of nice! I will never pack my saddle bag without a poncho again. I have officially become a fan. The poncho rates a 10 for functionality, but gets a solid 1 for aesthetic appeal. It was bright red and kept getting inflated by the wind. Melanie was riding behind me, and said I looked like the Kool-Aid guy. Hey, Kool-Aid!!